Calgary Wild Rose Women's Triathlon
June 29th, 2025
The Wild Rose Women's Triathlon is the #1 triathlon in Alberta! This triathlon in Calgary is a great triathlon whether it is your first or you are a seasoned triathlete. This welcoming, supportive environment makes for the best triathlon experience around.
We have made a weekend out of it with a fun, chill 5km walk/run on the Saturday (not included in triathlon registration. Must register.) and a beautiful yoga class following that (by donation), you will want to grab your girlfriends and make a full weekend of it!
Sprint: 750m swim - 18.5km bike - 5km run
(ages 12+)
Super Sprint: 300m swim - 9.25km bike - 2.5km run
(ages 10+)
Team Sprint: 750m swim - 18.5km bike - 5km run
(ages 10+)

What You Get
a professionally organized triathlon by Wild Rose Women's Events
a Wild Rose Women's Triathlon race bib
a Wild Rose Women's Triathlon swim cap
a beautiful finisher's Mala
chip timing with official results
race day bike support
an amazing atmosphere (DJ and announcer)
delicious post-race food including chocolate fondue
Wild Rose Women's Events gear will be available for purchase through registration and on-site
Calgary Wild Rose Women's Walk/Run and Triathlon Weekend
June 28th (Saturday)
10:30am - 11:30am Package Pick Up (run and triathlon)
Bowness Park, 8900 48 Ave NW (Picnic Site 3)
12:00pm Wild Rose Women's 5km Run/Walk (not included in registration. Must register.)
Bowness Park, 8900 48 Ave NW (Picnic Site 3)
1:30pm - 2:30pm Yoga with Rose (by donation on-site)
Bowness Park, 8900 48 Ave NW (Picnic Site 3)
3:30 - 4:30pm OPTIONAL: FREE Transition Walk Through and Pre-Race Q & A
YMCA Calgary at Rocky Ridge, 11300 Rocky Ridge Rd NW (where transition is)
*we highly recommend you attend this to ask all of your triathlon specific questions. We will also be walking through the flow of the day for Sunday so you are more familiar with what you are doing and where you are going. The TRANSITION WALK THROUGH AND PRE-RACE Q&A will help answer all of your questions and be an opportunity to see where you park, the pool, the transition area and more. We will also be answering all of your questions about triathlon such as how to do a transition! If you have questions, you need to be there! It will be led by Richelle Love (race director) and Kari Gregory (certified triathlon coach).
Please note: we will not be riding or running the course but we recommend you do so so you are familiar with the course. Although we will have signage and volunteers, is your responsibility to know the course.
4:30pm - 5:30pm Package Pick Up
YMCA Calgary at Rocky Ridge, 11300 Rocky Ridge Rd NW (where transition is)
June 29th (Sunday)
YMCA Calgary at Rocky Ridge, 11300 Rocky Ridge Rd NW
6:30 - 6:50am Late Package Pick Up
*we must close package pick up at 6:50am to get all data to the timing company. Please arrive closer to 6:30am to get your package.
7:00am - 7:45am Transition Check In
*all athletes must have their bikes racked by 7:45am
7:45am Athlete Pre-Race Meeting
8:00am Race Start - Sprint Triathlon
9:30am Race Start - Super Sprint Triathlon
11:00am Transition/Expo Closes
Super Sprint Triathlon:
October 1st - January 1st, 2024
$129 (plus processing fee)
January 2nd – April 1st, 2025
$139 (plus processing fee)
April 2nd – June 1st, 2025
$149 (plus processing fee)
July 2nd – June 26th, 2025
$159 (plus processing fee)
Sprint Triathlon:
October 1st - January 1st, 2024
$149 (plus processing fee)
January 2nd – April 1st, 2025
$159 (plus processing fee)
April 2nd – June 1st, 2025
$169 (plus processing fee)
July 2nd – June 26th, 2025
$179 (plus processing fee)
Team Sprint Triathlon:
October 1st - January 1st, 2024
$269 (plus processing fee)
January 2nd – April 1st, 2025
$279 (plus processing fee)
April 2nd – June 1st, 2025
$289 (plus processing fee)
July 2nd – June 26th, 2025
$299 (plus processing fee)
Refund Policy/Rollovers/Transfers:
There are no refunds however, you can roll over your registration to 2026 for a fee of $50 BEFORE June 1st, 2025 or transfer your entry to another racer for a fee of $20.
After June 1st, there are no rollovers including injuries or illnesses.You may however, transfer your registration to another racer for a fee of $20.
You may transfer to another category within the Wild Rose Women's Triathlon up to June 27th, 2025.
NOTE: By registering you take responsibility that you understand and agree to this statement.
Race Course and Maps
Swim (Sprint 750m / Super Sprint 300m)
Sprint Swim Cut-Off: 30 minutes from your start
Super Sprint Cut-Off: 16 minutes from your start
The swim is a POOL SWIM. Athletes will line up according to their estimated swim time*. There will be a continuous flow of athletes in and out of the pool. As one athlete finishes their swim, another will be sent into that lane.
PLEASE ensure you are lined up with the correct time you expect to complete your swim. There will be volunteers to assist you. We will start with the slower times and move to the faster times. It may make you feel more relaxed to want to swim with swimmers you know will be slower than you but imagine how you would feel if that was you and a faster swimmer got into the lane. PLEASE LINE UP AT YOUR ACCURATE SWIM TIME. This makes it the most pleasant (and fun!) swim experience for everyone and easiest for the lap counters as well.
T1 (Transition 1)
Upon completing the swim athletes will exit the designed door from the YMCA and run to the parking lot, into transition where your bike will be located (approx a 300m run). The run will be barefoot as you will have just finished the swim, but don't fret as we will sweep the pathway there so there are no rocks to step on. You will put on your biking gear and head out onto the bike portion of the triathlon. You may not touch your bike until your bike helmet is on properly and the chin strap is done up.
As you leave transition you will be directed to WALK your bike until you reach the friendly volunteers at the MOUNT LINE. This is where you can get on your bike. For the safety of yourself and the volunteers you must wait until the mount line to get on your bike.
Bike (Sprint 18.5km / Super Sprint 9.25km)
Bike Cut-Off: 30 minutes from the last person that starts the bike
Once you are on your bike you will follow the bike course route.
Sprint athletes will complete 2 loops, while Super Sprint athletes will complete 1 loop.
The bike course will be open to traffic so please be mindful and safe out there!
Here are a few safety rules/guidelines:
always stay to the far right of the road
NEVER cross the yellow centre line of the road
listen to the volunteers when making turns. WAIT until they say it is safe to turn. If at any point a volunteer or flag person tells you to STOP, please do so immediately! Volunteers and flag persons are there for your safety. They must balance doing what is right for traffic and racers. THEY MAKE THE CALLS. Failure to listen to then will result in IMMEDIATE disqualification.
stay 7m behind the riders ahead of you (if you come closer you are drafting which is not allowed). If you need to pass simply say, "on your left" and ride past them. Please give them enough space when you pull back in (ie. don't cut them off).
NO PASS ZONE: there will be a NO PASS RULE along Burma Road. Riders MUST RIDE SINGLE FILE. Alberta Triathlon officials will be monitoring this stretch and any rider caught passing will be disqualified.
There will NOT be an aid station on the bike course for the Super Sprint distance. All participants MUST have a means to carry water with them. Water will be available at the start of lap 2 for the Sprint distance athletes. The aid station is self-serve, so athletes must stop and fill their bottle themselves from the jug should they need additional water for lap 2.
T2 (Transition 2)
Upon completing the bike athletes will head back to the transition area. First you will come upon the friendly volunteers at the DISMOUNT LINE. You will get off your bike just before the designed line and walk your bike back to spot on the bike rack you originally had. Once your bike is racked, you can then remove your helmet and change any clothes or shoes you need to before you head out onto the run.
Turn your race number belt around so your number is on your FRONT.
Run (Sprint 5km / Super Sprint 2.5km)
Run Cut-Off: 30 minutes from the last person that starts the run
Relax! You are on the run route. You can run or walk, run/walk but please no crawling (that is an actual rule! hahaha)
Sprint athletes will complete 5km, while Super Sprint athletes will complete 2.5km. Please note the first and last kilometer are on trail, while the remainder of the run is on a paved pathway.
Please stay to the right of the pathway the entire route and cheer other athletes on!
Please note, spectators are not permitted to run with you or be on course. We know some of your your little ones are excited to see you and want to run with you however, for insurance purposes they cannot (but they can make cool signs and stand along the route!)
There will be an aid station (with water and electrolytes) at the turnaround for the Super Sprint at 1.25km. Sprint athletes will also hit this again at 3.75km into their run.
As you near the finish line, finish strong and ensure your race number is on your front so the race announcer can call out your name. You are a triathlete!
Transition Area and Finish/Start Area

Pool to T1
This is about a 300m sidewalk run BAREFOOT. The path will be swept from gravel. You will not be able to bring shoes into the pool area with you. **You can leave your shoes outside of the pool, by the exit, if you would like, but volunteers/staff are not responsible for lost or stolen shoes

Bike (SPRINT 18.5km /
Super Sprint 9.25km)
NOTE: For a better view of the bike route, click on map.
Run (SPRINT 5km /
Super Sprint 2.5km)
Note: For a better view of the run route, click on map.
*The first and last kilometer of the run will be on trail.
What are the races at Wild Rose Women's Triathlon?
Sprint Distance Triathlon (750m swim, 18.5km bike, 5km run)
Super Sprint: (300m swim, 9.25km bike, 2.5km run)
Team Sprint Distance Triathlon: (750m swim, 18.5km bike, 5km run)
What is the date?
Sunday, June 29th, 2025
What do I get with my entry?
a professionally organized triathlon by Wild Rose Women's Events
a Wild Rose Women's Triathlon race bib
a Wild Rose Women's Triathlon swim cap
a beautiful finisher's Mala
chip timing with official results
race day bike support
an amazing atmosphere (DJ and announcer)
delicious post-race food including chocolate fondue
Wild Rose Women's Events gear will be available for purchase through registration and on-site
Why do some athletes have yellow wrist bands?
Yellow wrist bands means this is the athletes VERY FIRST TRIATHLON! We want everyone to acknowledge and celebrate their special day.
Are there Relays?
Yes, there is a relay option for the Wild Rose Women's SPRINT DISTANCE event.
What is the minimum age to do this event?
We have set the age at 14 years. While we appreciate your child may be physically capable of doing this event, we ask they wait until they are 14 years (as of race day). Many kids of steel events are available to kids under this age through the Alberta Triathlon Association.
I can no longer race, can I get a refund?
In the event that you can no longer race for any reason (medical included), we are not offering refunds in any capacity. See Rollovers.
Refund Policy/Rollovers/Transfers
There are no refunds however, you can roll over your registration to 2026 for a fee of $50 BEFORE Augst 1st, 2025 or transfer your entry to another racer for a fee of $20.
After August 1st, there are no rollovers including injuries or illnesses.You may however, transfer your registration to another racer for a fee of $20.
You may transfer to another category within the Wild Rose Women's Triathlon up to August 15th, 2025.
NOTE: By registering you take responsibility that you understand and agree to this statement.
Where and when is Package Pick-up?
Saturday, June 28th, 10:30am - 11:30am Bowness Park, 8900 48 Ave NW (Picnic Site 3)
Saturday, June 28th 4:30pm - 5:30pm YMCA Calgary at Rocky Ridge, 11300 Rocky Ridge Rd NW
Sunday, June 29th 6:30 - 6:50am YMCA Calgary at Rocky Ridge, 11300 Rocky Ridge Rd NW
*SUNDAY AM LATE PACKAGE PICK UP - we must close package pick up at 6:50am to get all data to the timing company. Please arrive closer to 6:30am to get your package.
What is in my package at package pick up?
You will get:
race bib
swim cap
goodies from sponsors
When will I get my timing chip?
You will get your timing chip before you enter the YMCA.
What age group will I race in?
Age Group athletes will race in their Age Group division corresponding to the athlete's age on December 31st, 2025
What if I can't swim. Can I still do the race?
The swim portion is mandatory. We encourage you to register for the distance you know you will be able to complete the swim.
What strokes are allowed?
Any stroke is allowed! Even if it is not technically a real stroke! You just can't walk.
Can I stop at the end of the pool and rest during the race?
Absolutely! Stop, take rest and catch your breath. Just tuck into the corner so you do not impede the other swimmers in your lane.
Can I swim in the pool prior to the race?
You may, however you will have to go on your own time and pay the drop in fee to use the YMCA.
What material are the swim caps?
The swim caps will be made of latex.
Will there be extra swim caps at the start if one tears?
Yes, there will be extra swim caps in case of emergency.
What type of bike can I use?
The bicycle must be human powered with two wheels of equal diameter. The front wheel shall be steerable; the rear wheel shall be driven through a system comprising of pedals and a chain. Any typical road bike, triathlon bike, or mountain bike or hybrid is typically acceptable.
*E-Bikes are ALLOWED
Will the roads be closed to traffic?
The roads will not be closed to traffic. Athletes will ride to the far RIGHT along the roadways. Flag persons will be in place to assist you when turning, left - PLEASE LISTEN TO THEIR INSTRUCTIONS. Please stop if they tell you to do so and only turn when they signal you to do so (that it is safe). Athletes DO NOT have the right of way. Please be mindful and safe at all times when riding on the road as you would if you were out fort a ride by yourself.
What if something on my bike is not working race morning?
We will have mechanics on site race morning for issues such as flat tires. Please have your bike serviced prior to race day to ensure it is in working order.
Will you have aid stations on the bike?
There will be an aid-station at the lap turnaround just outside of transition. The Try-A-Tri Distance will NOT access this as they will be headed into transition. The Sprint Distance will be able to access this before they head out for their 2nd loop on the bike.
What is the official bike course cut off time?
All Sprint athletes must complete the bike course by 9:30am.
All Try-a-Try athletes must complete the bike course by 9:45am.
What are the surfaces for the run courses?
The surface is a combination or pathway, pavement and gravel. A regular runnings shoes is most suitable for this course.
Do bib numbers need to be worn during the run?
Yes, bib numbers need to be worn on the run. They need to be worn on your FRONT.
Will you have Aid Stations on the run?
Yes, there will be an aid station on the run with water and electrolytes.
What is the official run course cut off time?
Sprint and Try-a-Try athletes must complete the run course by 10:30am.
What time does transition open in the morning?
Transition opens at 7:00am.
What can I bring into transition?
1. yourself (NO ONE ELSE!)
2. your bike
3. a small bag with all of your things - Tupperware containers, buckets, bins, chairs, stools and yoga mats are not permitted in transition
Can I reserve a spot?
No, you may not reserve or hold spots for friends in transition. Spots are first come, first serve. We must fit 6 bikes per rack and we will have volunteers ensuring this is the case. Things can get a little tight.
Can I mark my spot?
You may not mark your spot in any way. A great way to find your spot is to count what number of bike rack you are on so when you run into transition it can help you locate your spot.
Are bike pumps allowed in transition?
You may use your own pump only if it is removed from transition prior to the race start.
Can I get changed in transition?
You can put clothes over top of your bathing suit but you MAY NOT undress in transition (nudity is an actual rule violation). Even if you wrap a towel around yourself, we cannot allow it. Part of triathlon is riding your bike a little bit wet. Embrace it!
Is there a bike check-out time after the event?
All bike must be checked out of transition daily no later than 15 minutes after the last finisher.
Where will official results be posted?
Official results will be posted on our website and at Startline Timing after results are verified for each event.
Where is the lost and found?
The lost and found will be located at the announcer's booth/finish area. After race day contact for lost and found. All unclaimed lost items will be donated after 30 days.
Where can my friends and family watch me?
You bet! They must stay off the race course and watch/cheer from designated areas inside and on the YMCA grounds.
Can my friends go out on the course to cheer me on?
No, we ask that spectators DO NOT go out on the race course so we limit traffic for the safety of all racers.
Can my friends and family finish with me?
Due to the rules of being a sanctioned race through the Alberta Triathlon Association, friends and/or family members are NOT permitted to cross the finish line and enter the finish chute with participating athletes. This is 100% a safety issue. Please have them cheer you in and give you a big hug AFTER you cross the finish line.
They say it takes a village to raise a child.
Well, it also takes one to put on the
Calgary Wild Rose Women's Triathlon!
We are so appreciative to all our volunteers who come out and use their time to ensure a safe and enjoyable triathlon experience for everyone!
We cannot thank you enough for what you do for the community when you chose to volunteer your valuable time to support triathlon in Alberta.
Whether you are a veteran volunteer or have never volunteered at a triathlon before, we would love to have you as a part of this exciting day!
If you have any questions about volunteering,
please email

A portion of each registration goes to the YW Calgary.
Why we donate to the YW Calgary?
The YW Calgary has been there to support for women and children for over a century. Their programs and services are designed to help vulnerable women find stability, then build the skills and confidence they need to make permanent, positive change in their lives. These include a 24 hour crisis line, domestic violence support and shelter, community housing and support, employment resource centre, family counselling and so much more. YW Calgary is the largest and longest serving women's organization in Calgary. During their 108 years, they have touched tens of thousands of lives and are continually working and evolving to meet the needs of women in the community.
Family violence is the single largest woman’s health issue in Canada, with more reported cases than heart attack and stroke. It affects women of all races, ages, socio-economic classes and educational backgrounds -and in many cases, it involves children.
“I remember the first night we were there, I knew we were where we should be. It was the feeling of being safe for the first time in a long time.”
-Amber, Sheriff King Home client
What does a $25 donation buy?
$25 provides each new client who arrives at YW Mary Dover House with clean linens for her bed.
What does $120 donation buy?
$120 enables the YW Sheriff King Home emergency shelter to purchase medical and first aid supplies to ensure that clients are safe and cared for each month, and also ensures that YW Mary Dover House clients are safe and secure through the provision of security personnel and surveillance equipment each day of the year.
What does a $250 donation buy?
$250 provides a woman and her child fleeing family violence with a safe place to stay, basic needs, counselling and referrals for a day. It also enables the YW to complete police checks on employees in YW Mary Dover House to ensure the utmost safety of all clients.